Stop the snore which would cause premature death


Hi everyone, I’m Keiko.


Do you usually snore during sleep?

If so, you should see your doctor or sleep experts.



“Snoring is the most common warning sign for sleep apnea.”



“Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) – a potentially life-threatening disease involving episodes of complete or partial airway obstruction during sleep – is dangerously on the rise.”



If you have sleep apnea untreated, the risk of cardiac disease, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes and obesity which would be cause of premature death may be increasing.



“Many of the damaging effects of sleep apnea can be stopped, through diagnosis and treatment by a board-certified sleep specialist.”

said Dr. Timothy Morgenthaler, the president of AASM, American Academy of Sleep Medicine.



Today I’m sharing an article from AASM, American academy of Sleep Medicine, website.


Stop the snore: AASM urges sleep apnea action for those at risk


 “Here are five warning signs for sleep apnea:

• Snoring.
• Choking or gasping during sleep
• Fatigue or daytime sleepiness.

 ”The symptoms often occurs because sleep apnea causes numerous arousals throughout the night, and your body isn’t getting the quality sleep it needs.”

• Obesity. An adult with a BMI of 30 or higher
• High blood pressure


“If these symptoms describe you, then you have a high risk for OSA.”


(Excerpt of the article)


You should get ready to talk to a doctor or sleep specialists about sleep apnea soon!


And our Orofacial Myofunctional therapy can help you breathe easier.


I hope you have a good night sleep and a joyful life!



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