メディア / Education Tools

Please check an English video below.


#1. 「口を閉じて鼻呼吸しよう!~お口ぽかんと口呼吸のリスク~」



#2. 「呼吸と睡眠の関係 ~ぐっすり眠るために~」

#3. いびき、歯ぎしり、睡眠時無呼吸 ~ぐっすり眠るためにMFTにできること~


#4. 健康な歯と口の育て方 ~子どもの口腔機能不全~



“Close the mouth and Breathe through the nose”

Do you know the correct way of breathing? Should you breathe through the nose or mouth? You can get useful information about the benefits of the proper way of breathing and Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy with this video.